Skirt Steak Caveman Style

Level: Intermediate
Yield: 2 Serving(s)
Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 3-4 Minutes
Total Time: 18-19 Minutes


2 lbs/900 g of skirt steak

1–2 tbsp/15–30 ml kosher salt for seasoning

1 tbsp/15 ml fresh cracked pepper for after steak is cooked

Royal Oak Hardwood Lump Charcoal
Royal Oak All Natural Tumbleweeds


1. Season both sides of the skirt steak with kosher salt and let rest for about 30 minutes before placing on the grill.

2. Place a cooling rack set in a half-sheet pan.

3. Fire up 1 chimney starter with lump charcoal. Once white and ashy, distribute evenly in the lower level of your charcoal grill. Using lump charcoal for this recipe is recommended because it produces less ash and burns cleaner.

4. Lay steaks directly onto the hot coals for 45 seconds. Flip steak and cook another 45 seconds, for rare. Cook 60 seconds each side for medium-rare. Cook 75 seconds each side for medium. If you want medium-well to well-done, cook it 90–120 seconds per side. When finished cooking, immediately place the steak onto heavy-duty aluminum foil, wrap and rest for 10 minutes.

5. Remove the meat from the foil, reserving foil and juices. Slice thinly across the grain of the meat. Return to foil and toss with the juice.

6. Serve immediately.

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